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5 benefits afforded to a laboratory that purchases a liquid handling robot

Those who work in laboratories understand the importance of their roles, even if it might be repeated processes so that scientists can experiment which can eventually lead to discovering something that might change how treatment is provided to beat a disease. It is essential for accuracy to take place so that consistent readings can be taken which can then allow a process to progress to the next level.


Just one wrong reading caused through inconsistent levels being delivered into test tubes can render a whole experiment useless, resulting in a waste of time and money. Naturally, managers in such environments want accuracy and reliability, which can be sourced through the purchase of a liquid handling robot, which can provide the following 5 benefits.

  1. Time is of the essence in the workplace, especially somewhere involved in what can be an important breakthrough that can make a company name famous and take their reputation to a whole new level. By employing the services of an automated machine to handle liquids and move them across a laboratory, time can be saved once the robot is programmed to allow the scientists to get on with other important tasks, saving time.
  2. This leads to a more effective use of manpower, as skills can be utilized elsewhere, which can save a company money. Repeated procedures are not prone to errors when purchasing a reliable handling system, used by many leading firms in the industry, which saves money not having to redo them. If anything, untoward should occur, a warning system will alert the operators. Maybe some of them have discovered great reasons to take a qualification in data science.
  3. A laboratory can be a hazardous place to be employed, with chemicals often being used in experiments which can be corrosive and cause accidents. Being able to use an automated handling system rather than hands being in contact with such liquids, minimizes risk and increases safety, which a company can proudly display in their digital marketing means, as they announce their high standards in this department.
  4. Getting ahead of competitors through the consistency of results can lead to contracts being won if clients know that they can rely on a business that embraces the latest technology. Even what might seem like the slightest differential when a liquid is transferred can make a huge difference to the results, therefore choosing a system that is acutely accurate makes sense and provides peace of mind to all those involved. Any company that decides to export a system will require an export license.
  5. The systems can be easily adapted to suit a range of uses, delivering the same consistency and reliability while traceability becomes immeasurably easier. This is important whenever something that might be adjusted requires identifying as well as knowing that the repeatability will continue to assist any process.

A liquid handling robot will save time and increase safety in the lab environment, while guaranteeing consistency and reliability, something far from guaranteed when exposed to human error.