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5 Ways To Make Your Storefront More Appealing to Customers

Nothing is more frustrating for a small business owner than staring out the window watching people walk by without stepping inside. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to entice more potential customers into your store.

1. Have an Open Door Policy

When weather permits, propping open the door is a quick and easy way to make your store more welcoming. It makes it obvious that you’re open, and it makes the inside of your store more visible to passersby. Employees and shoppers will appreciate the fresh air as well!

2. Stand Out With an Awning

An attractive awning adds character and visibility. When you contact an awning installation New York company, you will be shown a few different types of awnings to choose from, so you can decide what suits your business best. A retractable awning can function similar to a sign; when the awning is out, customers know you’re open.

3. Dress Up Your Window Display

A well-lit window display showcasing popular products can entice potential customers. Try incorporating distinctive signage, and be sure to change up the display often to keep it relevant and interesting and show off new products.

4. Brighten Your Doorway With Flowers

A planter with a few flowers outside your door can make your retail storefront more attractive in the spring and summer. Choose colorful, eye-catching plants that don’t require too much maintenance, and you’ll have a relatively inexpensive and easy way to make your store stand out.

5. Keep Your Storefront Clean

Although it may seem obvious, many small business owners forget to clean outside their buildings. Your storefront is the first thing customers see, so be sure to stay on top of tasks like washing the windows, sweeping the walkway, and tending any plants.

With just a few simple tricks, you can increase foot traffic in your store and make more sales.