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Performing COVID-19 Tests Is Important To Staying Safe

Rapid tests for Covid-19 have been authorized by the government, in regular laboratories, pharmacies, drugstores, doctor’s offices, medical and immunization clinics, clinical analysis laboratories, and collection points. Tests are done on people with an acute respiratory condition and the results must be reported to health authorities. The measure is provisional and exceptional and many facilities will be able to perform the tests, which also need to be registered so the data can be tracked. People can have the test done, whether they have the disease or not if they have been around someone who has recently been tested negative. If this happens, both the person who tested positive and all the people that person came in contact with should quarantine for at least 2 weeks. 

Ultimately, over time, it is hoped that the wide range of Covid vaccines that are emerging on a regular basis will help to keep the virus under control so that restrictions can be eased. Moreover, although some workplaces are still adapting to the challenges of the pandemic, there are certain industries where vaccinations for employees will be encouraged and in some cases, mandatory. Accordingly, you can learn more about employee vaccine requirement specifications by taking a look at some of the helpful Covid-19 resources on the Zenefits website.

Serological Tests

Many testing facilities around the country are conducting serological tests to discover its immunological status against Covid-19. As expected in pandemic cases, health professionals are essential for the recovery of the sick population, so it is necessary to preserve the well-being of workers. The testing is to assess the impacts of Covid-19 among different individuals so it can be detected contact trace information. Testing is voluntary, but necessary to know whether someone is negative or positive with COVID-19 or not.

The Symptoms Appear

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 that usually appear 5-6 days after infection, in some cases you may have been contagious 1-2 days before symptoms appear. If that is so, then stay at home and call your family doctor! Your family doctor will assess the need for testing and make recommendations regarding your health condition.

Necessary Testing

If the family doctor decides that COVID testing is necessary, he or she will send an electronic order to a testing facility and from there, they will call you to agree on the time and place of testing. Wait for the call or book your own time via e-registration. Testing is also carried out on weekends and public holidays. Be sure to take your identity document with you and arrive at the agreed testing site on time!

The Diagnosis

Persons with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus infection will receive a call typically within a few days, and the test results are also reported to government data collection entities. In the case of a negative test result, the patient is notified as well. If your test is negative on the first try, it does not mean that you don’t have the virus. If you have been exposed to anyone with the virus, then you should test again in another week.

If your test is positive, stay home, and follow the instructions from your family doctor! If your health deteriorates, contact your family doctor again or call an ambulance or go to the emergency room. Persons with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 infection must remain in self-isolation.

You can contact Primex Labs to schedule an appointment for your COVID-19 test.