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Inexpensive Door Prize Ideas

If you’re organizing a fundraising event for a charity, community group or school organization, increase the amount you raise for your cause by reducing the cost of your prizes. Whether you’re hosting a raffle, offering giveaways at a dinner or holding contests for gifts, choose some that are low priced, yet also highly coveted.

Interesting Assortments

Offer themed prizes that will interest participants from any age group. Assemble or purchase gift baskets under $50 that include such items as cookies, candy bars, flavored popcorn, fresh fruit and preserves. Create a box for kids featuring puzzles, snacks, boxed drinks, crayons and small stuffed animals. Adults might enjoy a gourmet treat that includes wine, cheese and crackers, biscuits and preserves.

Movies and Meals

Give the winner an entertaining night out featuring dinner and a movie for two. Consider offering a meal at a high-end restaurant by securing donations from local businesses instead of purchasing a gift card yourself. Increase interest by finding a highly publicized new establishment that locals will be eager to visit. If your group would rather not go the movie route, you can choose to present passes to a community theater production, an outdoor concert or an upscale bar for after-dinner drinks.

Coupon Books

If you’d really like to save money on the prize budget, consider donating your time instead. Ask the group’s members to each contribute a coupon for a service that they’ll be willing to offer the winner. Ideas can include one free car wash, a week of dog walking, a day of yard maintenance, a dozen freshly-baked cookies or a night of babysitting, for example.

Great prizes can boost interest in your fundraising efforts. Although you don’t have to spend a lot of funds to gather desirable items, do consider your target audience when choosing rewards to generate more excitement and increase participation.

Individualized tokens

Enhance the appeal of your fundraising event by incorporating affordable custom memorabilia and customized freebies into your prize offerings. Consider partnering with local artisans or businesses to create personalized items like custom T-shirts, engraved keychains, or handmade crafts. These unique and memorable prizes not only add a personal touch but also serve as lasting reminders of your event. Boost engagement by including customized freebies such as branded pens, magnets, stickers in gift baskets or as standalone rewards. The charm of these personalized giveaways will make your prizes distinctive and encourage participants to contribute to your cause actively. Elevate the excitement without breaking the bank with these thoughtful and budget-friendly additions to your prize selection.