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Tips to choose the best Amazon FBA Prep services

Are you looking to outsource your Amazon FBA Prep services? How would you choose a good outsourcing service for the purpose? We present a few tips and guidelines that would help you opt for the best service provider in terms of Amazon FBA Prep services.

What should you look for when choosing a FBA Prep Service?

Well, a prep center is what helps you in arranging your online arbitrage and wholesale orders. One of the best techniques while you look for the best FBA Prep services is pay attention to a few aspects and ensure they meet your needs.

We assume the following tips would be helpful to meet your needs.

The Locations

The exact location of your prep center will have a greater saying on the functionality of your orders. The location of the prep center will have a greater bearing on the shipping fees and other taxes.

It would help you save money on the trucking and other essential costing elements. Having the prep center near the warehouse will have a better option in terms of saving enough on sales tax and inbound transportation costs.

The Pricing

This is yet another aspect you need to give a thought to. Ensure that you are checking your products before finalising the FBA prep center. Items like used books, glass, vegetables and similar items will need extra processing and accordingly attract higher prices.

You will also need to check out if the service any signup or joining fees. Prep centres charge extra for supplies like poly bags, bubble wraps and other extra items. You may also need find more details about the storage fees and any minimum order quantity.

Processing Time

This should be one of the major aspects you need to take care of if you really want to see your business as the Amazon seller boom. Check how fast the prep service can prepare your inventory.

A standard turnaround time should not be more than 48 hours. Most of the prep services like Leeline Sourcing are upfront in their approach when it comes to offering the best processing time. If this information is provided as part of the contract, make sure you ask for it. You would definitely not want to find frequent late deliveries of your shipments.


If your FBA prep service indulges in proper inspection procedures, which would indeed be an added advantage. Of course, your supplier has to perform the pre shipment inspection, but the prep service inspection will help you supplement it with an assurance.

In fact, manufacturers tend not to take in house inspection too seriously. That would make your Prep service inspection all the more important.

The Concluding Thoughts

Well, that was how you would choose a FBA Prep service for your needs. Outsourcing your FBA Prep services is the right way to make your business run smoothly. But, how you choose and what you choose is important for an efficient plan. Opting for a Prep service that isn’t worth the efforts you are putting into it can indeed ruin your prospects.

Choose your Amazon FBA Prep service wisely and prosper in your business.