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What to Expect During a Septic Tank Pumping Service

A septic tank is a settling chamber that separates solids from wastewater so clear liquid can safely filter into a drain field.

Several factors determine how often septic tanks need to be pumped. These include the size of the household and the use of garbage disposals.

In most cases, the septic tank must be uncovered for a technician to inspect and pump it. Finding the tank can be tricky since it may be buried underground.

Getting Started

Before the septic tank pumping begins, the technician must locate the tank access lid. This can often be done with a map that comes with your homeowners inspection documents or by tracking where your sewer lines drain.

If your house has a two-compartment septic tank, the lids must be exposed (some pumping companies may do this for a fee). Then, they will lower a large vacuum hose into the septic tank.

The hose sucks all the waste and sludge into their truck, which is taken to a sewage processing plant. The technician in Septic Services will also check the septic tank baffles and dividing wall to ensure everything works. Most homeowners will need their septic tanks pumped every 3 to 5 years, depending on how many people live in the house and the septic tank size.

Finding the Tank

Septic tanks are sizeable underground storage units that hold sewage waste for homes that do not use city sewers. The septic tank separates solids from liquid wastewater, and the latter travels to the drain field, where microbes and bacteria break down and purify it.

When drain field services service a septic tank, the first thing technicians must do is find it. This can be challenging, especially if it has been long since the original installation. The best way to discover the location is with a copy of the as-built diagram, which you can usually get from the county records office.

Once the technician finds your septic tank, they will expose the access lid and inspect for any problems with the drain field. If the liquid level is too high, it’s likely time to have the tank pumped. However, if the technician isn’t able to locate your septic tank, or it is suspected to be damaged or inaccessible, then contacting a company that provides septic tank installation and repairs may be necessary.


Septic tanks are large storage containers for sewage waste for homes that don’t connect to municipal sewer systems. Waste flows into the tank from household drains and toilets and exits into a septic system’s drain field. Eventually, the microbial ecosystem in the drain field breaks down the septage, and wastewater is absorbed into the soil.

A promising sign that your septic tank is getting full is slowly draining in the house (tubs, sinks, and toilets). Other signs include a sickly odor that’s wafting from your drains. Septic tank pumping prevents the septage from overflowing into the drain field or home and keeps septic tank odors from vending into the house.

Trying to DIY septic tank pumping isn’t an option. A septic tank contains biohazardous waste that needs to be properly transported and disposed of according to EPA guidelines, so you need to search for a qualified Marietta GA Septic Pumping service (or similar service near you) to ensure the job gets done safely.

Disposing of Waste

A technician will remove the lid from the septic tank. Once exposed, a hose will be inserted into the access hole, and the waste will be pumped out of the septic tank. The liquid effluent will filter to the drain field while the solid sludge and scum layer will be pumped out of the septic system.

The liquid sewage will eventually end up in an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment plant, which could be used as fertilizer. The sludge will be transported to a waste management facility and disposed of according to EPA guidelines.

Homeowners can help to cut down on the need for a frequent septic tank pumping service by not flushing items that should be trashed instead, such as paper towels, wet wipes, cigarette butts, dental floss, and feminine products. Using water more efficiently, fixing leaky toilets and washing machines promptly, and spreading loads of laundry throughout the week can also reduce the need to have your septic tank pumped too often.


Most septic systems last 25-30 years if properly maintained. This includes getting the tank pumped on time, not using chemical additives or treatments, and ensuring that you don’t plant trees over the system or drive or park heavy vehicles over the drain field.

Septic odors are caused by hydrogen sulfide gases created in the septic tank as bacteria digest organic waste material. When septic tanks are not pumped regularly, these gases can escape and linger in the home and yard. They can cause algae blooms that reduce water quality and kill fish and aquatic plants in surface water. A malfunctioning septic tank vent may also contribute to septic odors. Properly functioning vents prevent these odors from entering the house. They also help the septic tank empty properly into the drain field.