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Why Rumble Strips Are An Essential Safety Item for Your Projects

LLight-colored clothing, construction hats, and fluorescent vests are a great way to make workers more visible when working along a busy road, but it is not enough to prevent accidental impacts from vehicles. When on the worksite, pedestrian signs are a useful tool to warn drivers of the risk of encountering pedestrians. They can also be used to separate vehicles and pedestrians, showing suitable routes for pedestrians to take away from work vehicles for example. In addition, rumble strips have proven effective in reducing accidents caused by distracted and sleepy drivers. It is an inexpensive tool to use that offers sound protection.

Dangers of Traffic Next to Work Sites

Roadwork that has the potential of closing down major lanes of traffic in busy areas can prove dangerous if every possible precaution is not taken to avoid a collision by passing vehicles. Utility installation, ditch repairs, road resurfacing, bridge repairs, line striping, and more have to be done on a regular basis. Making sure you are highly visible is only the beginning of safety preparations. In addition to physical safety measures, Smart traffic control systems can be implemented to dynamically manage traffic flow around work zones, further enhancing safety for both workers and drivers.

Alert Distracted and Sleepy Drivers

The prevalent use of smart devices when driving is a disturbing trend that seems to get worse each year. Drivers can also begin to feel sleepy and drift off the road or remain unaware of upcoming work zones. A rumble strip is one easy way to get their attention quickly.

Sound to Alert Workers and Drivers

Sound coming from well-placed temporary rumble strips is beneficial for the passing driver and the employees that are hard at work on the given project. The sound can alert the workers to an imminent danger and let the driver know they need to slow down or correct the direction they are traveling.

Vibration to Make Drivers Aware

Along with the loud sound that ruble stips cause as tires pass over the surface, they also send a serious vibration up through the vehicle that can snap someone out of a daze, or grab their attention when distracted.

Keeping your crew of workers and the public safe is an important part of successfully completing projects along highways and busy streets. Temporary strips are easy to install and remove once the project is complete.