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Top 5 Industries That Benefit From Videoconferencing Services

Top 5 Industries That Benefit From Videoconferencing Services

We’ve watched as videoconferencing services took up the mantle to keep us all connected during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. While we’re still in the midst of the pandemic, we’re well-established now with our tech tools, and thousands of businesses have been saved thanks to these services. Without a way to stay in touch and keep communication open, it’s likely that the virus would have had a much more widespread and destructive influence.

A remote video meeting keeps teams connected while simultaneously addressing the concerns of social distancing and the isolation that follows remote work. It’s always nice to see a friendly face, especially if you haven’t been out of your home in a few months.

Let’s take a look at the five industries that have benefited the most from video conferencing services to get a better idea of just how essential the tool really is to modern society. 

1. Education

This first industry is perhaps the one that has benefited the most from video conferencing services. When schools closed nationwide last March/April, we were forced into a new way of life. Children went home and stayed there, and we’re approaching the one year mark now (it’s currently January as I write this). It’s no understatement to say that distance learning would have been nearly impossible without video conferencing tools at our disposal. Video services all over the country have stepped up to the plate, with some even offering free services to educational institutions.

Video conferencing offers a much more viable alternative to simple audio conference calls. Educators often need to be able to see their students to teach properly, especially in the case of elementary school ages. Imagine trying to teach a kindergartener over the phone! They’d never sit still on a phone call all day, but video conferencing offers a live tool that connects teachers with students and keeps the learning going.

On behalf of all of us, we’d like to thank the teachers who stepped up to the plate to teach under new and confusing circumstances, and to the video conferencing services who have kept us learning through these tough times. 

2. Medical Field

Another crucial field to note is the medical field. Without conferencing services, we wouldn’t be able to get medical attention remotely. Telemedicine isn’t exactly a new concept, but it’s certainly taken center-stage during the pandemic in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Telemedicine does much more than just help us practice social distancing, however.

With telemedicine, the doctor’s office is suddenly more accessible to everyone. There are patients who either don’t have transportation or are too ill to make it to the doctor, and telemedicine helps them get the care they need from a distance.

Let’s not forget that our healthcare workers are the ones on the frontlines of this virus, and need every tool available to them to make their jobs simpler. Telemedicine just might be the future of medicine, and, like it or not, we’ve already had to run a test pilot of these services in response to COVID. We’re watching to see where telemedicine takes us in the future.

3. Consulting

There are thousands of consulting firms across the country for every industry you can imagine. Consulting is important to the success of many businesses, but it often requires an in-person visit. Luckily, video conferencing services have provided a viable alternative to keep consultants in business and provide business owners and other professionals with the expert advice they need.

4. Financial Institutions

The economy took a bit of a blow during the COVID crisis, and that impact is ongoing. With thousands of businesses closed for good, America got an unexpected wake-up call: we aren’t prepared to handle a full-scale pandemic. Either way, financial institutions had to remain open, and people still needed to access their money.

With video conferencing, everything from meeting with investment advisors to making a bank transaction has become easier. The financial industry has largely recovered, but many lobbies of banks and financial buildings are still closed. 

5. Content Creation

Content creators come from all walks of life, and the term “content creator” can embody thousands of niches. This creative industry is important to our entertainment, to businesses’ marketing needs, and more. Without content creators, you wouldn’t be reading this article, the website you’re reading it on wouldn’t exist, and the company you’re working for would have a much more boring marketing approach.

We need content—everything from the next Game of Thrones TV show to good web content. Video conferencing has helped to keep our creators connected and working, so we didn’t go crazy with boredom while in quarantine. 

The Bottom Line

Video conferencing services are more necessary than ever, and they’re a tool we often underestimate or take for granted. Video services like Vast have stepped up to the plate during the pandemic to provide us with clear, accessible communication that we’ll take advantage of for years to come.